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Mac OS X 10.6-10.8
Mac OS X 10.9
Windows XP, Vista, or 7
Windows 8
KIPR Link Firmware
Troubleshooting Windows 7 Installation
Introductory Activities
0.9 Robot Introduction
1.0 Introductory Kit Overview
1.1 DemoBot Building Guide
1.2 Link Overview
1.3 Introduction to Flow Charts
1.4 Introduction to Programming Languages and the KISS IDE
1.5 Introduction to Functions and HELP
1.6 First C Program
DemoBot Activities
1.7 Using motor() to Move Your Robot
1.8 Using mav() and mrp() to Move Your Robot
1.9 Writing Your Own Functions
2.0 Programming Your Robot for a Set Time
2.1 First Sensor: Start with a Light
2.2 Using Servos
2.3 Engineering Design Activities
2.4 Decision Making and Sensors
2.5 IF Statements and Following Lines
2.6 Measuring Distance Using the ET
2.7 Using the Camera
Create Activities
2.8 Create Overview
2.9 Moving the Create
3.0 Moving the Create: Straight & Spin
3.1 Using Sensors with the Create
3.2 Using Bump Sensors with the Create
Printable KIPR Activities
KIPR Link Manual
Sensor & Motor Manual
Art of LEGO Design
Troubleshooting Windows 7 Installation
2.0 Programming Your Robot for a Set Amount of Time